Anne Lise Kjaer Profile Picture

Keynote SpeakerAnne Lise Kjaer

Anne Lise Kjaer is a London-based futurist and keynote speaker. Also known as a Future Narrator, her specialty is futures studies and consumer mindsets.

Anne Lise Kjaer is a renowned global futurist. She delivers out-of-the-box thinking and is a sought after inspirational speaker. Anne Lise Kjaer works with some of the world’s leading brands including ACNielsen, Nokia, IKEA, Sony, Toyota, Unilever,and McKinsey. She has an exceptional eye for ‘the next big thing’ and an... Read more


Anne Lise Kjaer is a renowned global futurist. She delivers out-of-the-box thinking and is a sought after inspirational speaker. Anne Lise Kjaer works with some of the world’s leading brands including ACNielsen, Nokia, IKEA, Sony, Toyota, Unilever,and McKinsey. She has an exceptional eye for ‘the next big thing’ and an original and inspiring way of translating fledgling concepts into viable commercial propositions.


Her book THE TREND MANAGEMENT TOOLKIT A Practical Guide to the Future, presents a tried and tested methodology for analysing trends, a set of practical tools for managers and organizations, along with data, insights and case studies. It is both timely and topical, encapsulating a huge current media and industry interest in trend spotting, scenario planning and disruptive innovation.


The Financial Times wrote: “Anne Lise’s unique world vision is as fertile as Dali’s only she creates social prototypes based on nascent trends”. In particular she facilitates a new understanding for the consumer of the future, Anne Lise Kjaer says: ‘if the challenge is to create clarity out of complexity then that means getting to know – and identify with – your customers. Only then can you understand what they will want from you.’


Anne Lise’s business career began in Denmark. Initially she specialised in forecasting for the design industries and worked in Hamburg and Paris before choosing London as her global base. By then, Anne Lise Kjaer had already broadened to strategic corporate futures and she began working with leading brands. Today her client base numbers over 200 international corporations. Despite her global vision, Anne Lise retains strong links with her home country, where she is regarded as a leading commentator.


With an international client-base of leading organisations, this interdisciplinary practice has its roots in the humanities. Kjaer holds a BA Degree in Design from TEKO Design and Business School (1983) and an honorary title as Copenhagen Goodwill Ambassador (since 2004). This work has given her deep insight into the Nordic Model from both a socioeconomic and a cultural perspective.

Popular Talks by Anne Lise Kjaer

  • Future Trends
  • Consumer Behaviour
  • Smart Cities
  • Future of the Home Entertainment Industry
  • Future Living and the Family Dimension