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Keynote SpeakerAnnelie Pompe

One of the deepest freedivers in the world

Annelie Pompe is one of the deepest freedivers in the world. She has been diving to the world record depth of 126m on one breath, a feat which demands extreme mental control and physical strength. When not in the sea, Annelie climbs mountains. She has climbed Mount Everest as well... Read more


Annelie Pompe is one of the deepest freedivers in the world. She has been diving to the world record depth of 126m on one breath, a feat which demands extreme mental control and physical strength.

When not in the sea, Annelie climbs mountains. She has climbed Mount Everest as well as the 7 summits challenge and is the “highest and deepest” human on earth.

Coming from the cold temperatures of Sweden she didn’t have the best conditions to become either a deep freediver or a high altitude climber, but nothing is impossible if you have enough willpower. Annelie knows everything about motivation, goal setting and handling change. She says it’s impossible to succeed with anything if you don’t have a goal and am willing to change your mindset to reach the goal.

Every goal and every action starts with a thought. By her interest in sports psychology and eastern philosophy Annelie has made it her second speciality in exploring thoughts, what’s going on in our minds and how it affects us. The way we think affect everything we feel and do. In her lectures Annelie weaves together her inspirational lifestyle with philosophies and practical advice for everyday life.

As a professional photographer Annelie brings presentations full of amazing sceneries from all around the world as well as underneath the surface.

Popular Talks by Annelie Pompe

  • Performance
  • Goal Setting
  • Motivation
  • Adventure