Gerald Haug Profile Picture

Keynote SpeakerGerald Haug

One of Germany's most eminent climate change scientists

Professor Gerald Haug is one of the most highly-regarded German scientists. His scientific studies about climate dynamics during the last major interglacial periods and ice ages are highly praised among his colleagues and widely quoted. Haug’s primary interest lies in the research of the correlation between climate and society.  ... Read more


Professor Gerald Haug is one of the most highly-regarded German scientists. His scientific studies about climate dynamics during the last major interglacial periods and ice ages are highly praised among his colleagues and widely quoted. Haug’s primary interest lies in the research of the correlation between climate and society.


Gerald Haug studies geology at the University of Karlsruhe before moving to the University of Kiel in 1995 where he gains a doctorate. Afterwards he works as a researcher at the University of Southern California and other international universities. In 2002 he habilitates at ETH Zurich and the following year he becomes head of the „Climate Dynamics and Sediment“-section at the Geo-Research Centre in Potsdam (GFZ) as well as professor at the University of Potsdam. In 2007 he was awarded the Leibniz Prize, Germany’s most highly endowed research award, and accepts an offer from ETH Zurich to become professor of climate geology, as ETH Zurich offered him more freedom of research.


Haug drills sediment cores from oceans and lakes and hence reconstructs historical climate progressions and climate developments. Broad attention was paid to his proof of historical draught periods by researching sediments from off the Venezuelan coast. He also found a plausible explanation for the formation of major ice ages on the northern hemisphere about 2.7 million years ago, which was one of the oldest mysteries of paleoclimate research.


Climate researcher Gerald Haug searches in the past for the key to understanding the present. By reconstructing and interpreting former climate changes, he gains findings of high actuality for the future of mankind.


Professor Gerald Haug has the ability to pass on his expertise comprehensible to the audience of his lectures and speeches.

Popular Talks by Gerald Haug

  • Climate Change: A Look Back into the Future
  • Global Warming: The Relevance for Nature and Civilisation
  • Polar Oceans and Climate Change: The Achilles? Heel of World Climate
  • Straits and Ice Ages