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Keynote SpeakerJoey Zuber

Queensland's international Cliff Diving Athlete and stunt diver

Joey Zuber is now recognised as one of the world’s leading experts in Cliff Diving. His journey as a diver started in Australia, but his career as a professional cliff diver has taken him to all parts of the world.   Joey Zuber was the Red Bull World Cliff Diving... Read more


Joey Zuber is now recognised as one of the world’s leading experts in Cliff Diving. His journey as a diver started in Australia, but his career as a professional cliff diver has taken him to all parts of the world.


Joey Zuber was the Red Bull World Cliff Diving Champion and is still an active participant in the sport both as a diver and as a TV commentator. Joe typically dives from 24 to 28 metres above the water, hitting it at speeds of over 100kph – and he does an intricate series of somersaults, twists and pikes on the way down.


The element of danger is unavoidable for the professional cliff diver and in 2008 Joey felt its full force when he completely severed his femur during a cliff dive in Puerto Gaitan, Columbia. Following a nine hour journey on the bumpy road to a hospital in Bogota, with no pain relief, a 15 hour wait, and a seven-and-a-half hour operation, Zuber went into renal failure which almost killed him. After many hairy days in ICU, and seven operations later Joey finally began his long recovery process.


In Joey’s main talks Off the Cliff, he shares his story with a sense of humour as he recounts the story as an inspiration for us all to learn from. His talk is fully illustrated, and includes extracts from the documentary, ‘Dive into Fear’. The underlying theme is fear management in everyday life and overcoming adversity. It’s a unique and emotional story of sheer determination, grit and stamina, combined with Joey’s invaluable messages of facing fear, taking risks and competitive and methodical preparation.


Joey Zuber is currently the only cliff diver in the world who speaks at corporate events, and his engaging and emotive talk delivers a clear and compelling account of his adventures and their resonance with business. Joey’s story has been transformed into a documentary called Dive Into Fear, and he is the official TV host for the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series, which is broadcast internationally.

Popular Talks by Joey Zuber

  • Performance
  • Overcoming Adversity
  • Inspiration
  • Goal Setting