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Keynote SpeakerSunny Grosso

Culture Chief, Delivering Happiness

Sunny Grooso is a happiness coach and global culture consultant on a mission to inspire others to live BIG by being true to themselves and following their purpose. She is passionate about realizing this through positive work cultures. She held key developmental roles in several business start-ups before becoming a founding member of the Delivering Happiness (DH) coach|sulting team. As the Culture Chief at DH, Sunny Grooso co-built the model, developed the approach and led the services team. She is... Read More


Sunny Grooso is a happiness coach and global culture consultant on a mission to inspire others to live BIG by being true to themselves and following their purpose. She is passionate about realizing this through positive work cultures.

She held key developmental roles in several business start-ups before becoming a founding member of the Delivering Happiness (DH) coach|sulting team.

As the Culture Chief at DH, Sunny Grooso co-built the model, developed the approach and led the services team. She is one of the few Core Coaches and is personally responsible for improving the culture at hundreds of organizations around the world.

A global speaker, ORSC and NLP trained coach (Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching and Neuro-Lingustic Programming) with a BA in psychology, Grosso’s got the credentials.

But her real street cred comes from her role as a one of the world’s first happiness consultants and culture experts. She has been an impassioned thought leader in the culture movement and featured in books such as The Decoded Company and publications like Fast Company.

Today Sunny Grosso is a sought-after speaker appearing at events such as Good to Great where she inspires groups around the world with her bright and unique brand of coach|sulting [coaching + consulting]. As one client noted: Sunny is more than a name, it’s how she lives. You’ll see when you meet her : )

Popular Talks by Sunny Grosso

  • Cultures that Flourish: Wellness and Human Sense Keynote
  • Culture and Self-Management to Thrive in a Changing World
  • Generation Next Workplace Culture Keynote: Harnessing Happiness
  • Happiness as a business model = profits, passion and purpose