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Keynote SpeakerNick Saunders

Conflict Resolution Expert

Nick Saunders has a 25 year track record as a keynote speaker, trainer and bestselling author. 4 out of 10 of us report being involved in some kind of interpersonal conflict at work, with managers spending at least 20% of their time dealing with conflict issues (CIPD Survey Report). The CBI estimates that conflict in the workplace costs UK businesses £33 billion per year. Nick Saunders has helped over 150,000 individuals transform the way they work with others. He specialises... Read More


Nick Saunders has a 25 year track record as a keynote speaker, trainer and bestselling author.

4 out of 10 of us report being involved in some kind of interpersonal conflict at work, with managers spending at least 20% of their time dealing with conflict issues (CIPD Survey Report). The CBI estimates that conflict in the workplace costs UK businesses £33 billion per year. Nick Saunders has helped over 150,000 individuals transform the way they work with others. He specialises in communication, collaboration and conflict resolution – by getting people to work together more effectively, function more professionally, collaborate more successfully, all of which leads to improved performance. He turns relationships into results. Nick does this by demonstrating that organisations/businesses are like families (he’s known as “The Family Man”).


“You can choose your friends, but families and work colleagues you are stuck with. However, you can still work with them more effectively, and he demonstrates how by following 6 easy steps that you can start to use immediately.”

Popular Talks by Nick Saunders

  • Conflict Resolution
  • Teamwork
  • Communication