Tina Teucher publishes books and articles on sustainable management, CSR communication and successful transformation. The Culture Sciences academic completed MBA Sustainability Management at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. From 2009 to 2014, Tina Teucher was the leading editor of the decision makers’ magazine “forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften” (forum CSR). She is active... Read more
Tina Teucher publishes books and articles on sustainable management, CSR communication and successful transformation. The Culture Sciences academic completed MBA Sustainability Management at the Leuphana University Lüneburg. From 2009 to 2014, Tina Teucher was the leading editor of the decision makers’ magazine “forum Nachhaltig Wirtschaften” (forum CSR). She is active in the Think Tank 30, the young network of the German Association for the Club of Rome. Since 2015, as a Sustainable Matchmaker, she has been bringing organizations, people and companies together to create the environment for sustainable business. Here she accompanies corporations and institutions through the essential questions on their path of change.
With presentations in three languages she whets appetite to rethink: In the long run not those are successful who sell the most material but those who facilitate a meaningful life for people. Many good examples from corporations as well as small and medium enterprises (SME) reveal ways how corporate management can be shaped for future generations and how to build up concrete future competencies through social and ecological innovations.
Tina Teucher is involved as a member of the extended board of B.A.U.M. e.V. (Bundesdeutscher Arbeitskreis Umweltbewusstes Management / German Association for Environmentally Conscious Management), on the supervisory board of Future eG, on the advisory board of Klimahelden and social-startups.de and on the jury of the sustainability label Green Brands. She is particularly fascinated by the holistic solutions of the regenerative economy (ecosystem restoration), circular economy (cradle to cradle, blue economy) and management approaches for sustainable leadership. A world without waste, good work and all-round healthy products not only motivate top performance but also strengthen visions that sound convincing for future generations. Eco? Logical!