The novel of Ray Hammond, Emergence, has recently been republished by the Venture Press. Originally published by Macmillan in 2000, the thriller is set in the year 2036 and explores what might happen when consciousness begins to emergence from –super-dense neural networks.
Emergence is a futuristic thriller that explores the concept of the spontaneous emergence of strong artificial intelligence in the internet and connected networks.
Set in 2036, the thesis of the novel is that consciousness arises automatically when sufficient processing and analytical power is inter-connected. The question is, how would humankind cope with a distributed intelligence orders of magnitude greater than human cognition?
Hammond has researched, written, spoken and broadcast about how major trends will affect society and business in the future for over 30 years. He is also a successful and proven business leader and serial entrepreneur with hands-on experience of creating, building and leading thriving businesses.
Ray Hammond is the author of 17 books about the future, a body of work which he began in 1980 and which stands as testament to the long-term accuracy and reliability of his foresight. He is now living in the future he first described over three decades ago.
Hammond was also recently invited to become a member of the Science Fiction Advisory Council (SFAC) of the XPRIZE. The XPRIZE is a philanthropic organisation established by technology luminaries to encourage and foster innovation in all fields of technology.
Watch Ray Hammond’s TED Talk here:
To read Ray Hammond’s speaker profile, click here.