Jamie Metzl Profile Picture

Keynote SpeakerJamie Metzl

Making revolutionary science understandable

Jamie Metzl is a leading futurist who specialises in making revolutionary science understandable to the general public. Metzl’s writing on genetics, virtual reality and Asia are featured regularly in the New York Times, Washington Post, TechCrunch, Foreign Affairs, and other publications around the world. He is the author of a... Read More


Jamie Metzl is a leading futurist who specialises in making revolutionary science understandable to the general public.

Metzl’s writing on genetics, virtual reality and Asia are featured regularly in the New York Times, Washington Post, TechCrunch, Foreign Affairs, and other publications around the world. He is the author of a history of the Cambodian genocide, the historical novel The Depths of the Sea, and the genetics sci-fi thrillers Genesis Code and Eternal Sonata.

Jamie Metzl is a Senior Fellow for Technology and National Security of the Atlantic Council, a faculty member for Singularity University’s Exponential Medicine track, and an expert in international affairs and biotechnology policy. He previously served as Executive Vice President of the Asia Society, Deputy Staff Director of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Senior Coordinator for International Public Information at the U.S. State Department, Director for Multilateral Affairs on the National Security Council, and as a Human Rights Officer for the United Nations in Cambodia. He has testified before Congress on the national security implication of the biotechnology and genomics revolutions and was Chief Strategy Officer for a genetics biotechnology company.

A founder and Co-Chair of the national security organisation Partnership for a Secure America, Jamie Metzl is a board member of the International Center for Transitional Justice and the American University in Mongolia, a member of the Advisory Board of the Brandeis International Center for Ethics, Justice, and Public Life and 92Y’s Center for Innovation and Social Impact.

"IVY hosts dozens of incredible lectures led by leading minds around the country each year, but I've never seen our members as engaged with the speaker and the subject matter as they were with Dr. Metzl. He captivated the room with the intricacies of the future of science and humanity. After the lecture members lingered for more than two hours discussing the implications of the future of genetic engineering and debating what, if anything, should be done about it." Ivy
“Jamie Metzl spoke to a captivated audience about a fascinating and complicated subject. Bio-engineering and its impact upon the future of mankind was the topic Dr. Metzl aptly articulated in an enthralling yet relatable style. From the start, he built a genuine rapport with the audience as he communicated so that each person understood as clearly as possible the subject matter. Jamie’s presentation was amazingly fluid and perfectly paced as he spoke effortlessly without notes or prompts. ‘Jamie is the best speaker we’ve ever had.’ ‘This event was a home run because of Jamie Metzl!’ ‘Jamie is engaging and smoothly breaks it down.’ These are just a few samples of the positive comments received from the audience after the presentation. Our community is excited about Jamie’s return for an encore!” Kansas City Jewish Federation
“Jamie spoke to the senior most lay leadership of our non-partisan, nonprofit organization on U.S. foreign policy and, particularly, as it relates to the Asia Pacific region—a topic that is difficult to address, both because it is inherently complex and politically sensitive. Jamie overcame these challenges and adeptly and tactfully addressed the issues, giving historical context and his own perspective in a clear and effective manner. His breadth of knowledge is impressive. Jamie is very personable, and his intelligence, confidence and personal charm were extremely well received. Many people commented after his presentation and the ensuing discussion that he is one of the best speakers they have heard in a very long while—and this is a group that is accustomed to hearing many high-level speakers. We look forward to the next opportunity to host Jamie as a speaker again.” Director, AJC Asia Pacific Institute (API)
"Jamie’s compelling discussion and deep insights into the intersection of assisted reproductive medicine, genomics, stem cell tech and human genetic engineering were truly compelling and generated a tremendous amount of interest and engagement from our diverse group of healthcare providers. In a very short time he was able to capture the imagination of the audience and bring them face to face with the profound implications of our very near biomedical future." Serena H Chen, MD, Director, Division of Reproductive Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Saint Barnabas Medical Center

Popular Talks by Jamie Metzl

  • AI and Genomics
  • Future of Humanity
  • Science and Education
  • Biotechnology
  • International Relations
  • Genetic Engineering
  • Human Resource Management