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Keynote SpeakerMark Brolin

Geopolitical/Geoeconomic strategist, Economist, Commentator and Author

Mark Brolin is a GeoPolitical/GeoEconomic Strategist, Economist (Stockholm School of Economics) & Author (three books published, 2 in the UK country and 1 in Sweden). Sweden is his birth country, he has been headquartered in London most of his professional life. Mark has a previous professional background including Nasdaq and Cantor Fitzgerald (corporate development) as well as the Swedish Foreign Ministry. Mark Brolin regularly contributes media commentary in the UK for example via The Telegraph, The Times, CapX, iNews, City... Read More


Mark Brolin is a GeoPolitical/GeoEconomic Strategist, Economist (Stockholm School of Economics) & Author (three books published, 2 in the UK country and 1 in Sweden). Sweden is his birth country, he has been headquartered in London most of his professional life. Mark has a previous professional background including Nasdaq and Cantor Fitzgerald (corporate development) as well as the Swedish Foreign Ministry.

Mark Brolin regularly contributes media commentary in the UK for example via The Telegraph, The Times, CapX, iNews, City AM, Reaction. In the Nordics he also contributes all over the place (print, radio, TV). On top of that he regularly provides geopolitical and macroeconomic comment on Indian/international TV channel Wion News.

One of Mark’s key USPs is that his take is more optimistic than just about everyone else’s on the geopolitical arena. Why is that? He deliberately operates in the vein of Factfulness author Hans Rosling who famously argued that public discourse is far too focused on short term negatives (“noise”) rather than long term positives (the long term fundamentals/megatrends that really count and have been positive since the inception of the certainly still ongoing industrial revolution). Mark even tends to go one step further and argue that the gravest “NHS-problem” relates to a public discourse bias not only towards Negativism but also towards Herd Mentality and Shortsightedness. So whereas many other geopolitical speakers talk mainly about risks Mark Brolin talks also about opportunities. This has made him naturally take a special interest in the growth areas of the world (like US, India, Poland).

Another USP of his is that Mark is ideologically neutral (non-tribal) by definition (reflected for example by him having never belonged to any political party). Why? Because Mark believes much more in offering counterweight to those enjoying institutionalised powers than in the superiority of one single political camp. Instead he takes it for granted that all political camps managing to hold on to power for a long time will, unknowingly, drift into the always destabilising territory of exaggeration dressed up as moderation. Through the cumulative effect of many small steps. In the history of politics this is precisely what has happened many times with both left-wingers and right-wingers at the helm. The analytically fascinating novelty over recent years is that for the first time society’s “globalists” or “corporatists” have unknowingly taken things too far. The good news? The history of many previous transition periods, if technology driven such as the one playing out in real time, leaves little doubt that neither tribal side will end up victorious. So neither the establishment more-of-the-same (neopaternalist) moralists nor the anti-establishment none-of-the-same “Trumpians”. So who will win? Luckily the often misunderstood and often unfairly discredited electorate. An electorate which collectively, if truly listening, have never asked for anything other than sound balancing acts. So neither right-wing-, left-wing- nor globalist overreach. Today the electorate is simply asking for less-of-the-same. If real balance is what the people wants – and it really is – then that is precisely where we will end up. Even if we first need to endure yet at few more years of emotional smoke and dust as well as tedious tribal mudslinging. However, again if really listening, the agents of tribal nonsense are already in retreat and can only sing a swan song (like in the US) due to a lack of alternatives.

“Mark Brolin delivers world-class lectures that merge profound geopolitical and geoeconomic insights with the ability to look beyond the day-to-day noise and identify the long-term trends shaping our world. With clarity akin to Hans Rosling, he navigates audiences through complex territories, illuminated by fact-based analyses and a unique capability to uncover opportunities amidst challenges. His presentation at the Friends of Executives CEO Conference in Sweden 2023 was not only an eye-opener but also an inspiration. He combines expert knowledge with an engaging delivery that makes complex subjects accessible and immediately relevant. An indispensable voice for anyone seeking understanding and strategic guidance in today's rapidly changing world.” Jimmy Oldén, CEO and Founder of Friends of Executive
”Mark Brolin joined our annual Bona Global Leadership Meeting and gave a very interesting and engaging presentation, updating us on the world geopolitical environment. It was very informative and gave our teams a deeper understanding of the movements in politics and how it could affect global trade and regional market trends.” Magnus Andersson, CEO of Bona

Popular Talks by Mark Brolin

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  • Key country geopolitical round-up and why today’s doom-and-gloom sentiment is way over the top
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  • The US case study: The country that keeps bouncing back

    The facts beyond the noise. Why the US is typically always underestimated and not experiencing Roman decline. Why and how the US is still better than others at reinventing itself. Risks and opportunities. Key myths busted.

  • The Chinese case study: A country that, despite a few remarkable decades of growth, still remains (somewhat) asleep

    The facts beyond the noise. Why China is flatlining, will bounce back in some ways but has still reached its geopolitical power peak – at least until it changes its political system. Risks and opportunities. Key myths busted.

  • The Indian case study: The Land of the Future
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  • The Russian case study: The country that keeps disappointing
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  • The EU case study: The dream that is fizzling out
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  • The UK case study: The country that keeps doing things differently
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  • The Polish case study: The country shapeshifting the European geopolitical landscape more than even Brexit Britain
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