Survivor and Inspirational Speaker
Biologist, Scientist and Lecturer of Sustainability and Environment, Founder of Felix Rodriguez de La Fuente Foundation
Author, Speaker, and Mountaineer
Former Chief Superintendent in Britain's Metropolitan Police Service, Director of London Policing College, Published Author, Crime Commentator, Policing Media Specialist
Former Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change, Ambassador, Climate Advocate, Founding Partner and CEO of onepoint5
Former Chief Talent Officer, Netflix and Workplace Innovator
Adventurer and Performance Expert
Leadership speaker, Best-selling author, Award-winning Businesswoman
Former Rally Champion & Leading Authority on Mental Toughness
Cult Survivor turned Leadership, Mental Health and Culture expert. Speaks on Digital Wellbeing, People and AI, Courageous Leadership and creating cultures where people can thrive.
Global thought leader, Social Innovator, Founder & CEO TIE Leadership, International Bestselling Author: Return on Humanity, Leadership evolution expert, Consultant, Speaker, Podcast host and creator of TIE Unearthed
TV Presenter, Journalist, Moderator & Expert in Education.
Former US Presidential Advisor, Former Advisor to the UK Cabinet, Best-Selling, Award-Winning Author, Tech Entrepreneur
Young Rider European Champion who successfully recovered from life changing accident
Global Trust Expert
Managing Director and Head of Cybersecurity of Wealth Management at Morgan Stanley and Former Senior Executive at the National Security Agency
Entrepreneur, Board Member, Forbes top 50 women in tech
Former Head of Marketing at Facebook and Founder of Zuckerberg Media
Writer, entrepreneur and youth expert. She is the author of five bestselling books on entrepreneurship - Stay Hungry Stay Foolish, Connect the Dots, I Have a Dream, Poor Little Rich Slum and Follow Every Rainbow.
Great Britain’s most successful female swimmer
Asia’s Alternative Artist
President & Co-Founder of Intentionality, Inc., a social enterprise, Forbes ‘30 Social Entrepreneur Under 30’, Things That Matter, Founder and Curator
Gender and Climate Expert, Founder and Executive Director, EmpoderaClima, Master of Public Policy, Harvard University
Co-Director of the INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy Institute