Professor in the George Mason University College of Engineering and Computing and is the director of the Mason Autonomy and Robotics Center (MARC)
Climate Innovator, Sustainable Fashion Expert, Thought Leader, Technology Sector Advisor, and Former Vogue and Economist Editor
Professor of Artificial Intelligence in the Department of Computer Science and Technology (Computer Laboratory) at the University of Cambridge, UK.
The Optimistic Futurist
Award Winning Futurist and International Keynote Speaker, also known as the "Fanatical Futurist"
Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation and political strategist
Most influential futurist in the German-speaking world
Strategist, Speaker, Qualified Risk Director®, and Best-selling Author
Former White House Intelligence Briefer, Decoding Global Events with an Intelligence Insider's Perspective
Author, Scientist and Futurist
Recent Mayor of Oklahoma City
Cyber Anthropologist, Futurist, Faculty Member at Singularity University
Former Chief Business Officer of Google [X]; host of the popular podcast, Slo Mo: A Podcast with Mo Gawdat; author of the international bestselling books Solve for Happy; Scary Smart; and That Little Voice in Your Head; founder of One Billion Happy; and Chief AI Officer of Flight Story
Cyborg Activist
Food Futurologist
Head of Creative Equity at Channel 4, International Public Speaker, Broadcast TV Producer/Director, Entrepreneur
Creativity Strategist, Top Rated Global Speaker, Award Winning Author, 3x TED speaker, and Executive Advisor
PhD Cognitive Neuroscience ; Co-founder and Scientific Director @RisingUp, Partnerships manager @CogMaster, ENS-PSL-EHESS-UPC ; Co-Director of course unit : Cognitive Science & Society @ENS-PSL-EHESS-UPC
Visual Artist
Former Head of Society and Innovation at the World Economic Forum
World Renowned Innovation and Healthcare Futurist, Best-selling Author
Advisory, Technologist, Strategist, Speaker and Summit Chair
Thought Leader, Philosopher and Founding Director of Oxford University's Future of Humanity Institute
Leadership Futurist, Transformation Catalyst, Serial Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur, Founder Switch On Leadership