AI Pioneer, Creator of Apple’s Siri and Samsung’s Bixby AI Assistants, Top Technology Speaker, Founder of 5 Successful Start-ups, VP of AI Experience at Airbnb, Award-Winning Magician
CEO of Unlimited Awesome & Co-Founder of METAVRSE. AI and XR Speaker and Advisor to Governments, Corporate Executives, Private Equity & Investment Firms
Actionable Futurist and former IBM Global Managing Partner
Futurist Keynote Speaker, Innovation Journalist and Author
Metaverse Consultant, Forbes Columnist, Author, Adjunct
Financial Times Technology Correspondent, former BBC Technology Reporter, Keynote Speaker on Artificial Intelligence, Social Media and Future of Work, Moderator, Event Host
CEO, Satalia and Leading Expert in Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies
Author, advisor and commentator on digital financial services. He is an international keynote speaker and recognised thought leader in digital identity and digital money
The leading authority on technology's impact on business
Authority on Business Agility and Blockchain
Creative Director and disruption expert
Quantum Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Cybersecurity Expert and Author and Ponemon Institute Fellow
Futurist, artificial intelligence expert, and business strategist
Technology Leadership Futurist, Founder of AIRI™ - The AI Readiness Initiative, Featured on CNN, Bloomberg, Fox, Fast Co, Future Readiness Score Creator. Tech Storyteller & Filmmaker on AmazonPrime
The first Spanish Technology Evangelist, considered one of the most privileged minds in the world of exponential technologies
Global Leader, Change Agent, Award Winning Speaker
CEO of Digital Catapult, Entrepreneur, Author of "Towards a Digital Renaissance" and Angel Investor
Senior Innovation Editor, WIRED
One of North America's top management speakers, author of `Blindsided!'
A Visionary Speaker Inspiring Growth, Innovation and AI Artificial Intelligence
Futurist, game developer and an architect of the Metaverse
Entrepreneur & Investor, Author of Atomic Scaling and creator of the 3P3R Method®
Presenter and Host of 'Welcome to the Metaverse'
CSP Global Speaking Fellow, Strategic Futurist