One of the world’s most influential thinkers in the field of high performance and cultural change
Chief Executive of the NHS Confederation and political strategist
Former GB athlete now working in climate advocacy, campaign development and sustainability consultancy for sports organisations
The world’s leading authority on the application of genius thinking to personal and organisational development
International competitive swimmer
Four time Olympic Gold Medallist and 200/400m sprinting legend
A Former U.S. Navy Test Pilot, Four time NASA Astronaut
Founder of Mycelium
Former English Footballer
Neuroscientist whose work focuses on the brain’s decision-making processes
Chair of Oak Furnitureland and former CEO of Sainsbury’s
Renowned High Performance and Talent Management Expert
Former NASA Astronaut, Senior Space Program Advisor and Professor at Columbia University
Astronaut Trainer and Performance Expert
American neuroscientist noted for her work on human morality, altruism and decision making
First British woman to compete at both a Summer and Winter Olympics
Chief Energy Officer, Passionpreneur Organisation
Rwandan-Belgian female racing driver, TV presenter, Sky Sports F1 Team Analyst, and co-presenter on Sky Sports F1 show "Any Driven Monday"
Expert in consumer behaviour, persuasive tech & marketing
Extreme Adventurer, Award-Winning Author, Global Investor, International keynote speaker
Award winning entrepreneur and world record breaking adventurer
Workplace wellbeing & mental health expert consultant
Formula 1 Strategist - Data Scientist
Mental Health Advocate and Host of Award Winning Podcasts "Wake Up/Wind Down" and "Where is my Mind"